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Effat University

Effat University is a private non-profit institution of higher education for women in Saudi Arabia, operating under the umbrella of King Faisal Charitable Foundation. In 2009, Effat College became Effat University. The inauguration of its three colleges, the establishment of the Research and Consultancy Institute, and success achieved on the academic, education and social levels, paved the way to becoming a university. Effat University is the first private institution of higher education for women in Saudi Arabia. Effat University has built relationships and agreements with national and international institutions and universities. It has partnered with Georgetown University, Duke University and the USC School of Cinematic Arts.


  • Saudi Arabia


  • Jeddah ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

Not specified

Spring semester application deadline

Not specified

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

From €4250/semester

Subjects available to free mover students

Accounting & Finance [English]Architecture [English]Art & Design [English]Business & Management Studies [English]Computer Science & Information Systems [English]Engineering Electrical & Electronic [English]Psychology [English]

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