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EM Normandie Business School

EM Normandie Business School, also known as EM Normandie, is a business school created in 1871, making it one of the oldest business schools in France. It holds EPAS, EQUIS, and AACSB accreditation and it is a member of the “Conference des Grandes Ecoles”, a selective and exclusive group of universities that aim to produce high-profile graduates in engineering, business, arts and social sciences. EM Normandie has more than 200 partner universities in more than 50 different countries around the world. The business school was also selected to appear in the ranking of the Financial Times of the best masters in management in the world.


  • France


  • Caen ,
  • Le Havre ,
  • Paris ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

May 15

Spring semester application deadline

October 15

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

From €4000/semester

Subjects available to free mover students

Accounting & Finance [English]Accounting & Finance [French]Business & Management Studies [English]Business & Management Studies [French]Communication & Media Studies [English]Communication & Media Studies [French]

Apply here!

Do you want to apply as a Free Mover / Visiting / Guest / Study Abroad student at EM Normandie Business School?

Not convinced yet? Take a look at the rankings!

Deep dive into the ranking details for this institution! You can find a clear explanation of how each ranking is built on this guide.

Financial Times Rankings

Masters in Management
European Business Schools

General rankings position

Eduniversal palmes

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