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Ilmenau University of Technology

Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) is a German public research university located in Ilmenau, Germany. It was founded in 1894 and it has five faculties with nearly 7.200 students, of which 1.650 come from outside Germany. Research and education at TU Ilmenau is focused on engineering with strong links to economics and natural sciences. It is the only university in the federal state of Thuringia with the title of “Technische Universität” (Technical University). The university has been responsible for a number of notable innovations, including the world’s most accurate precision scales and the world’s most efficient solar cells. Professor Karlheinz Brandenburg, who invented the MP3 audio encoding format, works at the institution.


  • Germany


  • Ilmenau ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

June 1

Spring semester application deadline

December 1

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

From €145/semester

Subjects available to free mover students

Business & Management Studies [German]Chemistry [German]Communication & Media Studies [German]Computer Science & Information Systems [English]Computer Science & Information Systems [German]Engineering Electrical & Electronic [English]Engineering Electrical & Electronic [German]Engineering Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing [German]Environmental Sciences [German]Materials Science [German]Mathematics [German]Physics & Astronomy [German]

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General rankings position

Times Higher Education World University Rankings
Center for World University Rankings

QS World Universities by Subject

Engineering Electrical & Electronic

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