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Karlstad University (non-EU/EEA students)

Karlstad University is a Swedish state university, originally established as the Karlstad campus of the University of Gothenburg in 1967. The campus became an independent university college in 1977, which then was granted full university status in 1999 by the Government of Sweden. Its CTF Service Research Center is one of the world’s leading research centers focusing on service management and value creation through service. Karlstad University has a new and environmentally friendly way of heating and cooling its buildings. During the summer, heat is stored in the ground and then taken up during the winter. This happens via 270 drilled holes, 200 meters down to the ground. The initiative is one of the largest in a campus area in Europe, making Karlstad University almost self-sufficient for heat and cold.


  • Sweden


  • Karlstad ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

January 15

Spring semester application deadline

August 17

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

From €7200/semester

Subjects available to free mover students

Accounting & Finance [English]Biological Sciences [English]Business & Management Studies [English]Computer Science & Information Systems [English]Economics & Econometrics [English]Performing Arts [English]Politics & International Studies [English]

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Do you want to apply as a Free Mover / Visiting / Guest / Study Abroad student at Karlstad University (non-EU/EEA students)?

Not convinced yet? Take a look at the rankings!

Deep dive into the ranking details for this institution! You can find a clear explanation of how each ranking is built on this guide.

General rankings position

Times Higher Education World University Rankings
Center for World University Rankings
Business & Management Studies

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