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Mid Sweden University (non-EU/EEA students)

Mid Sweden University is a Swedish state university. It was created in 1993 as “Mid Sweden University College” from a merger between two previous existing university colleges. In 2005, the government of Sweden granted the institution the right to call itself a university and its changed to Mid Sweden University. Hence, due to its history, the institution combines the intimacy of a small college with the educational variety and the resources of a large university. Research performed at Mid Sweden University is integrated with its study programmes in a natural and intriguing way. Its close cooperation with industries and organizations, provides its students with an education that has a strong connection to the working life.


  • Sweden


  • Östersund ,
  • Sundsvall ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

January 15

Spring semester application deadline

August 17

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

From €3900/semester

Subjects available to free mover students

Anthropology [English]Biological Sciences [English]Business & Management Studies [English]Communication & Media Studies [English]Computer Science & Information Systems [English]Engineering Chemical [English]Engineering Electrical & Electronic [English]Environmental Sciences [English]Hospitality & Leisure Management [English]Physics & Astronomy [English]Sports-related Subjects [English]

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