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Szent István University – Faculty of Landscape Architecture

The Szent István University (SZIU) is a public Hungarian university of technology. It was established in 2000 from the merge of several previously independent institutions, the oldest of these being the former University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, founded in 1787. SZIU is one of the most prominent Hungarian institutions of higher education, and consists of eight different faculties for study and research, enrolling approximately 15.000 students. SZIU blends Hungary’s rich traditions with cutting-edge technology to meet the needs of its students in today’s competitive labor markets. Its primary task is to provide multilevel, multilingual, student-centred education that is in harmony with scientific progress and the prevailing societal requirements.


  • Hungary


  • Budapest ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

May 31

Spring semester application deadline

October 31

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

Not specified

Subjects available to free mover students

Architecture [English]

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QS World University Rankings
Times Higher Education World University Rankings

QS World Universities by Subject

Agriculture & Forestry

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