The Hague University of Applied Sciences is a Dutch university of applied sciences founded in 1987. With around 146 nationalities represented on campus, it is known for the strong international diversity of its student population. The university runs student exchange programs in collaboration with around 300 international partners based in 50 countries. It carries out practice-based research via research group leaders and their knowledge networks. Research projects at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, often multidisciplinary, are determined by relevant issues from professional practice. The institution uses the new knowledge and insights generated by its research to update and drive its teaching activity. Its Sports Office organizes a range of sporting activities, including: aerobics, capoeira, golf, lacrosse, rowing, swimming, tennis, Yoga and Zumba.
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The Hague University of Applied Sciences

- Netherlands

- Delft ,
- The Hague ,
- Zoetermeer ,

Founding year

Acceptance rate

Fall semester application deadline
April 30

Spring semester application deadline
September 30

Semester fees (30 ECTS)
From €5565/semester
Subjects available to free mover students
Business & Management Studies [English]Communication & Media Studies [English]Computer Science & Information Systems [English]Law [English]Politics & International Studies [English]Social Policy & Administration [English]