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Universidad Pontificia Comillas – Faculty of Law

Universidad Pontificia Comillas, also referred as Comillas, is a private pontifical university established in 1890 and run by the Society of Jesus. Comillas accepts and endorses the definition of a University set forth in the “Magna Charta Universitatum”, signed in Bologna in 1988: “an academic community that, in a rigorous and critical manner, contributes to the protection and development of human dignity and cultural heritage through research, teaching and providing a diverse range of services to local, national and international communities”. It is involved in a number of academic exchange programmes, work practice schemes and international projects with over 200 institutions of higher education in Europe, Latin America, North America and Asia.


  • Spain


  • Madrid ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

Not specified

Spring semester application deadline

Not specified

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

Not specified

Subjects available to free mover students

Law [English]Law [Spanish]

Apply here!

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QS World University Rankings
Center for World University Rankings
Eduniversal palmes

QS World Universities by Subject

Engineering and Technology
Social Sciences & Management
Business & Management Studies
Engineering Electrical & Electronic
Theology, Divinity & Religious Studies

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