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Kühne Logistics University

Kühne Logistics University (KLU) is a private, state-recognized business school based in Hamburg, Germany. It was founded by the Kühne Foundation in 2003. All of its programs are accredited by either ASIIN or FIBAA. As a private higher education institution, KLU has been accredited by the German Council of Science and Humanities, which regularly assesses the quality of private education undertakings in Germany. In its decision, it highlighted the international education at KLU and the quality of its research output. The 2019 ranking of the Wirtschaftswoche identifies Kühne Logistics University as one of the strongest research universities in the field of Business Administration in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Out of 200 competing universities, KLU reaches the top 20 in the overall ranking and scores 2nd among all private universities.


  • Germany


  • Hamburg ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

April 30

Spring semester application deadline

September 30

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

From €5840/semester

Subjects available to free mover students

Business & Management Studies [English]

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