Study abroad semester
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For free movers
A single profile for managing all your applications
Your future is just a few clicks away. With wearefreemovers, your profile is your gateway to the free mover world. Complete it once, and you are ready to apply to universities across the globe. No more endless forms or tedious processes: everything you need is centralized in one place. We have designed the platform to save you time and energy, so you can focus on choosing where your next adventure will take you.
Say goodbye to filling out form after form – wearefreemovers does it all for you 🧑💻
Choose your next destination freely
With 500+ listings in more than 50 countries, you have full flexibility on your next study abroad semester, thesis or research project.
With the fastest application experience ever, thanks to our one-click easy apply

= No application fees 👀
Besides dealing with different university websites and procedures, we know how frustrating it is to pay fee after fee just to apply to your free mover destination. That’s why, at wearefreemovers, we have made it simple: no application fees for applications processed on our platform. Maximize the chances of getting admitted, without spending a fortune on application fees.
Get fast feedback
When you apply to multiple universities, waiting for responses can be frustrating and unpredictable. One institution might get back to you in a week, while another could take months, leaving you in limbo with no idea what’s next. With wearefreemovers, we take the guesswork out of the equation. Our partner institutions are committed to quick feedback, meaning you’ll usually get a reply within days or, at most, two weeks. You’ll get the answers you need, fast.
Start now
We have been in your shoes – wearefreemovers was created by students, for students. We know what it is like to navigate the world of independent mobility, and we are here to make it easier for you.
For institutions
Showcase your institution to the free mover world
With more than 20.000 visitors per month, wearefreemovers is the reference portal for free mover students and researchers worldwide. We appear as the top result in Google Search for any free mover related keyword. All of our traffic is organic: we did not spend a single penny on advertisement since our foundation. Word of mouth is what drives our audience.
Get quality candidates
You can’t go wrong with wearefreemovers. We preselect candidates for you based on your institution’s entry criteria. You can set up custom entry requirements, and change them how many times you want according to your preferences. Thus, you will only receive valid applications from interesting profiles.
Reduce paperwork
Many institutions still rely on email forwarding of applications, or on not-so-user friendly application systems. Let us handle the pre-screening of the candidates, so you can focus on higher-level activities. Receive the applicants’ information, without losing time and effort in collecting them.
List your institution in a few minutes
Go global
Promoting your international programs has never been easier. Join wearefreemovers and list your institution with a few clicks.