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SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences (EU/EEA students)

Founded in 2002, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences is a modern, state-accredited, private university located in Berlin. It is the first and only private university of applied sciences in Berlin that has been accredited the German Council of Science and Humanities “Wissenschaftsrat”. Its five schools combine disciplines such as management and entrepreneurship, media and creative industries, technology and IT, music and sound design in its modern study programmes. SRH Berlin offers 26 German and English-speaking Bachelor’s, Master’s and MBA programmes accredited by FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation). With approximately 1.000 students from over 85 nations and numerous partner universities and renowned companies in Germany and abroad, international orientation is one of the institution’s main goals.


  • Germany


  • Berlin ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

Not specified

Spring semester application deadline

Not specified

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

From €5000/semester

Subjects available to free mover students

Art & Design [English]Art & Design [German]Business & Management Studies [English]Communication & Media Studies [English]Communication & Media Studies [German]Computer Science & Information Systems [English]Engineering Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing [English]Hospitality & Leisure Management [English]Performing Arts [English]Performing Arts [German]Politics & International Studies [English]

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