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Universidad de San Andrés

The University of San Andrés is a private university located in the town of Victoria, Buenos Aires. It is a daughter institution of St. Andrew’s Scots School, an institution founded by Scottish immigrants in 1838. The university is named after Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, and its crest is composed of the Saltire (the flag of Scotland), and thistles (the national flower of Scotland). The university is one of the only two liberal arts colleges in Argentina, the other one being Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Its MBA programs are accredited by AMBA, and its department of foreign studies offers students one of the most sought-after exchange programs in Argentina, including partners such as Oxford University, ESCP-Europe, Harvard University, Bocconi University, Fundação Getulio Vargas and many more.


  • Argentina


  • Victoria (Buenos Aires) ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

March 15

Spring semester application deadline

October 15

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

From €7300/semester

Subjects available to free mover students

Accounting & Finance [Spanish]Art & Design [Spanish]Business & Management Studies [Spanish]Communication & Media Studies [Spanish]Economics & Econometrics [Spanish]Education & Training [Spanish]History [Spanish]Law [Spanish]Philosophy [Spanish]Politics & International Studies [Spanish]

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QS World Universities by Subject

Economics & Econometrics

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