Credit recognition

How do you get your study abroad credits to be recognized?

There is no doubt that studying abroad is great. However, what might not be as great is losing one semester or a year of study because of your free mover experience overseas. How can you prevent that? By asking for two essential documents from your study abroad coordinators: the learning agreement and the transcript of records. Those documents guarantee you the credit recognition of the courses followed abroad towards your home university’s program.

Learning agreement

The learning agreement is a standard document given to every student leaving for short-term mobility. Its purpose is to be a written proof of agreement on your study abroad program between the two institutions: the one you temporarily leave and the one you join. It is made by a list of exams/courses you will take at the selected study abroad institution. Those courses are the equivalent of some others that you were supposed to follow at your home institution, which are written on the document, too. It states that you will take those courses abroad instead of some others at your home university. So, once you come back, those courses will be fully counted into your native study program. As written in the application process, you should ask for this document before you leave.

Transcript of records

How will those courses be recognized once you come back? With proof that you actually made them, which is the transcript of records.
It is given by the selected study abroad university once you finish your free mover semester and contains a list of courses that you followed with a pass/fail or numerical/alphabetical grade (it depends on the country and on the courses). You just need to give it to your home university’s international office/coordinator along with your learning agreement, which, using a conversion table, will count those credits as you have taken them at your home university.