Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) is a private university based in Barcelona. It was founded in 1997, and is recognized by the Parliament of Catalonia. It currently has more than 9200 students, with 1800 full-time international undergraduate and postgraduate enrolled students coming from 108 different countries and 400 mobility agreements with foreign universities and institutions. UIC is focused on personal attention to its students, continuous links to the professional world and on innovative teaching and research methods. Teaching at UIC is practical-oriented, imparted by teachers who are also active professionals and closely connected to society and companies.
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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Humanities, Business Administration and Management, Law, Communication Sciences, School of Architecture)
- Spain
- Barcelona ,
Founding year
Acceptance rate
Fall semester application deadline
June 15
Spring semester application deadline
November 15
Semester fees (30 ECTS)
From €3450/semester
Subjects available to free mover students
Architecture [English]Architecture [Spanish]Art & Design [English]Business & Management Studies [English]Business & Management Studies [Spanish]Communication & Media Studies [Spanish]Economics & Econometrics [Spanish]Law [Spanish]
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General rankings position
Times Higher Education World University Rankings