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IULM University of Milan

IULM University of Milan is a private university of languages and communication located in Milan, Italy. It was founded in 1968 by Carlo Bo, poet, literary critic and professor of Spanish and French language and literature, and Silvio Baridon, French language and literature professor at Bocconi University. Its teaching staff include managers and professionals from media and communication, professional services, business, public administration and cultural organisations. Teaching is done through lectures, classroom activities and case studies, continuous assessment, internships in Italy and abroad and through international student exchanges. The mission of IULM University is to train and teach professionals capable of taking on the challenges and grasping the opportunities emerging from international markets and scenarios, while also shaping men and women aware of their own being and worth.


  • Italy


  • Milan ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

June 15

Spring semester application deadline

November 15

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

From €1300/semester

Subjects available to free mover students

Communication & Media Studies [English]English Language & Literature [English]Hospitality & Leisure Management [English]

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