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Universidad de Piura

The Universidad de Piura (UDEP) is a private Peruvian university founded in 1969. Its main campus, extending over 130 hectares, was built over a desert land, which had been reforested with mesquite trees, where squirrels, deer, foxes, peacocks, lizards and different kinds of birds now abound. Over the years, UDEP has established a strong reputation for its academic rigor, serious-mindedness and institutional quality. The university projects itself to be a benchmark in excellence within Peruvian higher education by training people who distinguish themselves by their character and elite professional competence, resulting in ethical performance at work and righteous personal behavior.


  • Peru


  • Lima ,
  • Piura ,

Founding year


Acceptance rate


Fall semester application deadline

Not specified

Spring semester application deadline

Not specified

Semester fees (30 ECTS)

Not specified

Subjects available to free mover students

Accounting & Finance [Spanish]Architecture [Spanish]Business & Management Studies [Spanish]Communication & Media Studies [Spanish]Economics & Econometrics [Spanish]Education & Training [Spanish]Engineering CiviI & Structural [Spanish]Engineering Electrical & Electronic [Spanish]Engineering Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing [Spanish]History [Spanish]Law [Spanish]Medicine [Spanish]Psychology [Spanish]

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QS World University Rankings
Eduniversal palmes

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