The Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) is a public university in the region of Savoy, France. It was officially founded in 1979 from the merger of several colleges founded in the 1960s and 1970s. After Paris I, Pantheon-Assas University and Strasbourg III (URS), Savoy has the fourth-highest number of Erasmus exchange students in France. It has signed 228 conventions with universities in 82 countries, and takes more than 1.000 foreign students per year overall. USMB is committed to a process of continuous improvement of its operating methods and, more generally, to the implementation of a quality policy. From a societal responsibility perspective, its approach is focused on the deontological and ethical nature of the institution’s activities in terms of environmental and social issues.
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Université Savoie Mont Blanc
- France
- Annecy ,
- Jacob-Bellecombette ,
- Le Bourget-du-Lac ,
Founding year
Acceptance rate
Fall semester application deadline
Not specified
Spring semester application deadline
Not specified
Semester fees (30 ECTS)
Not specified
Subjects available to free mover students
Agriculture & Forestry [French]Business & Management Studies [English]Communication & Media Studies [English]Computer Science & Information Systems [French]Development Studies [French]Earth & Marine Sciences [English]Earth & Marine Sciences [French]Education & Training [French]Engineering Electrical & Electronic [English]Engineering Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing [English]Geography [French]History [French]Hospitality & Leisure Management [English]Law [English]Linguistics [French]Mathematics [French]Modern Languages [French]Physics & Astronomy [French]Psychology [French]Sociology [French]Sports-related Subjects [English]
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General rankings position
Physics & Astronomy